This product has been repaid
Repayment day: 07/05/2024
Repayment amount: 5,000.00 CHF
    Multi Callable Reverse Convertible

    Straumann Holding AG, Sonova Holding AG, Logitech International SA, Adecco Group AG

    Coupon p.a.: 6.75% | Issuer callable | Low Strike | Devise: CHF | Maturité: 29.04.2024

    Product Overview

    Key figures
    Bonus amount per interval
    1.68% (84.375 CHF)
    Call interval (in months)

    Life Cycle

    Initial FixingFirst trading dayLast trading dateFinal fixingRedemption

    Product Information

    Key Information Document
    Base Prospectus

    About this product

    Multi Callable Reverse Convertibles are characterized by pre-determined coupon payments, regardless of the performance of the underlying assets. The callable attribute allows for early redemption under certain circumstances, which is why the coupon is generally higher than for traditional multi reverse convertibles.